Conzilla - The Concept Browser


A context-map is made up of layouts, which might be of the following kinds:

  • NodeLayout - a grouping of layouts.
  • ConceptLayout - presents a resource as a concept.
  • StatementLayout - presents a statement, i.e. a reification of a triple.
  • LiteralStatementLayout - presents a statement with a literal as object.

A NodeLayout has the following properties:

  • rdf:type pointing to the lns:NodeLayout class.
  • lns:inContextMap tells which context-map the nodelayout is expressed in.
  • lns:priority is a real number, used to order layers.
  • dc:title for a language controlled name.
  • dc:description for a language controlled description.

A ConceptLayout has the following properties:

  • rdf:type pointing to the lns:ConceptLayout class.
  • lns:inContextMap tells which context-map the concept is presented in.
  • lns:inNodeLayout points which NodeLayout the concept is shown in.
  • lns:priority is a real number, used to order layouts in nodeLayouts.
  • lns:location is the position of the concept in the map.
  • lns:dimension is the width and height of the concepts boundingbox.
  • lns:horizontalTextAnchor
  • lns:verticalTextAnchor
  • lns:displayResource
  • navns:hyperlink

A StatementLayout has all of the properties from ConceptLayout except the type, and:

  • rdf:type pointing to the lns:StatementLayout
  • lns:subjectLayout pointing to a layout whoose concept is in the subject position in the triple.
  • lns:objectLayout pointing to a layout whoose concept is in the object position in the triple.
  • lns:statementLine pointing to a sequence of points.
  • lns:statementLinePathType pointing to either a lns:LinePathType_Straight or lns:LinePathType_Curve corresponding to either a simple chain of points or Bezier curves with four points per segment (two consequtive points share one point so the amount of points are n*3+1 where n is the number of segments of the line).
  • lns:boxLine pointing to a sequence of points, but the line is intended to connect the statementLine with the box, if made visible.
  • lns:boxLinePathType similar as for lns:statementLinePathType.

A LiteralStatementLayout has all of the properties from StatmentLayout above except objectLayout and the type, and:

  • rdf:type pointing to the lns:LiteralStatementLayout
  • lns:literalLocation pointing to a position for the literal in the context-map.
  • lns:literalDimension is the width and height of the literal boundingbox.

LoadContainer is detected from where the type information is expressed.
RelevantContainers for a:

  • conceptLayout is the loadContainer
  • nodeLayout are the loadContainer of the NodeLayout AND all relevantContainers of its child layouts.
  • contextMap are the the same as for nodeLayouts.